Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Do The Right Thing

In class when we were discussing about if mookie "did the right thing", I noticed how how much emphasis Spike Lee really wanted that perticular scene to have, and how it reflects on the films message about racism. First off, I personally think that mookie had every right to be mad, since one of his good friends, radio rahim, was killed by the cops as a result of sal's pizzera. But, I also believe that by mookie throwing the garbage can, it did'nt solve anything, it just made everything get more out of hand.

I also agreed with Mr. Klobuchar on how radio rahim was asking for it the entire movie, and how it was actually his own fault that later ended up to him getting killed. I also agreed with how the cops had every right to hold him back, because he was resisting. Its not like the cops had arrested him, and then beaten him to death.

Overall, I really enjoyed this movie, because it has a great moral, but Lee also usses innovative ways of filming with using colors, or camera angles to give the story a third dimension type feeling to it. I also thought Lee did a great job of using humor to keep the audience entertained. In conclusion, I thought this perticular movie, out of all the movies we've watched, was by far the deepest in terms of having your own opinion, which I think is really cool.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Battle of Algiers

Peter Rainer from New York Movies, describes how The Battle of Algiers is later recognized by many critics as one of the most realistic reinactments of all time. Rainer also said how Pontecorvo's approach to directing was a much looser, caught in the moment type of filming, although everything is carefully choreographed. Rainer believes that this way of filming adds a realistic feel through the progression of the film.

Though at times I thought some of the scenes were a bit aukward, I can see how Pontecorvo used this way of filming to add a sense of realism though each event taking place. I also agreed with Rainer about how Pontecorvo showed what the terrorists felt before each bombing, and how it again adds realism to the movie. Overall I thought the article was really good because Rainer gave insight to what the movie is about, but also about what Pontecorvo thought of it, and the techniques he used to make the film as realistic as possible.