Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie of all time for me is The Life Aquatic by Wes Anderson, hands down. The entire movie is hilarious, but also has a great plot that keeps you into the movie. The main reason of why I like it so much is because the movie has somewhat of a cheesy feel to it, but thats what makes Anderson's movies so funny and special.

I've noticed that alot of Anderson's movies have many subplots, this movie especially, that at times can be confusing. Though this may be true, he can always find ways to keep you interested in what happens next. Heres a quote from Chris Barsanti: "Even though Team Zissou doesn’t have much of a clear mission and the film’s subplots are scattered willy-nilly, Anderson and Baumbach’s script finds plenty of ways to keep viewers engaged."

Overall, this is my favorite movie on many levels. It has funny subplots, good actors, and most of all, a great story. I recommend this movie to anyone who hasen't seen it yet, you WILL enjoy it!!


SuperBade said...

I've never seen any of Wes Anderson's films (at least knowingly) but this sounds interesting. I'm not exactly sure what the main story is and it would help if you descrbed more about the plot. How old is this movie?

clnferl said...

Konner, I only remember The Royal Tennenbaums, which must be one of my favorite movies in memory. I would hope that Anderson didn't let us down with this (he apparently did not) I look forward to seeing this one.
Bade, If you want a plot, go on Wikipedia. Don't make Konner gratuitiously type for you. I will recommend The Royal Tennenbaums, bound to be a classic, in my opinion.

Preston said...

i think i tried watching this one once...didn't go so well. but that isn't to say i didn't like it. i think i was watching it with my parents or something, and then i decided i had better things to do. but that was a long time ago, so i don't really remember. i think the few parts that i do remember were pretty funny. i guess i'll have to revisit this one...