Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bringing up Baby

I personally thought the director of this movie, Howard Hawks, did a great job with the overall photography this movie needed, to be considered a romantic comedy. With this movie being produced in 1938, theres no question that this movie's photography was nothing less than marveled about. I also thought that Hawks did a great job at showing contrast between the characters, though his way of photography so the audience can better understand everything that is going on. Without this movie's sense of photography, theres no doubt this movie would have been as susessful as it was, for it's time.

I also noticed that the role of photography in this movie was quite different than other movies during it's time. Unlike other movies, the use of photography added contrast to the ever changing plot that this movie so desired for. I believe that it's through this way of photography, is why comedy like this is so sucessful.


Meaghan said...

I have not seen this movie, but sounds very interesting and that it was put together well and sounds like it turned out to be a great movie

Elliot H said...

I'm sorry but this movie was awful. I would however like to agree with you in the fact that the photography/cinematography was excellent for a movie of it's time.

Kari said...

I agree with you and Elliot both. I'm glad I read someone who posted a more positive blog about Bringing Up Baby, thinking back on the photography and other cinematic elements it was probably a good film for it's time. If you have that kind of humor, it probably was funny, I just can't stand when every little thing goes wrong!

BigMack said...

Konner, i LOVE the positivity here...but c'mon...! this movie sucked...admit it. i appreciate the fact you can look at the glass half full while everyone else in the class only could talk about how terrible it was

love you...


Matt said...

Konner, I didnt notice the photography while watching the movie but after reading this post I recall that the photography was very important to the movie. Without the interesting photography the movie would be hopeless. Mainly due to how annoying Susan is.

Ali! said...

yeah konnor you're a creep. But nice job talking about the photography. I also noticed how well it was done for a movie that came out in the 30s.