Sunday, November 18, 2007

Kiss Me Deadly

I thought the movie, Kiss Me Deadly, by Robert Aldrich is the perfect portrayal of a film noir, which later gave way to the classic detective-type movie such as James Bond. The main character, Mike Hammer, is the foundation that this movie relies on to make it the movie that it was. I also thought that it was interesting how Aldrich decided to add a sci-fi type plot to the movie near the end. Unlike other film noirs, this film used different methods of conveying the story to ultimately be regarded by many critics as the best film noir ever made.

Another unique trait in this movie is that the story had multiple main conflicts; unlike the classic film noir, which usually only had one main conflict. Though at times this kind of plot was confusing, it added another demension to the genre of film noir. This movie was one of the first films to have multiple conflicts, which later gave way to how movies are done today.

In conclusion, I liked the movie because Aldrich did a great job of connecting all of the conflicts of the movie at the end. Most film noirs that were made around this time period never had multiple main characters or multiple conflicts, which made this movie unique. This movie was a milestone for the genre of the classic detective movies for a variety of reasons. This movie also used many different techniques of filming that directors are still using today.

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