Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Memento is Awesome!!!!

The movie Memento, directed by Christopher Nolan, is a true masterpiece of what can be accomplished on camera. This movie was unique in how the color scenes went back into time. At the same time, the black and white scenes moved ahead until the two merged into each other near the end of the film to bring closure to the movie. I personally thought this style of filming was smart because in the opening scene when Leonard shoots Teddy, it leaves the audience with the feeling of suspense because they want to see all of the events that took place leading up to the killing.

Another unique style of filming that I noticed was how Nolan left small clues in the story that did not make any sense until the end when it all added up. I thought Nolan also did a great job of giving this movie a film noir feel to it; mostly due to the black and white scenes. With both of these techniques used in the movie, it gave the film both a classic but also a new age spin to it.

Overall, I really enjoyed watching Memento due to the fact that it showed what is possible to do on camera. It also showed how certain feelings or expressions can be displayed by images, which I thought was very interesting. In conclusion, this movie has all of the necessary elements to make it an outstanding movie, in my opinion at least.

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